Function/Method Overloading in C#

In previous post , we learned what are the classes and methods and objects. If you have not seen that, here is the link to it.
Classes in C#

What is Function Overloading

Function Overloading is nothing but a function/Method with the same name but multiple function definition. The function are different from each other by Function Definition and the number of parameters passed to the function.
Function Overloading is one of the way we can implement static Polymorphism. Polymorphism stands for the term having multiple forms. The Polymorphism have two types .
1)Static .
2)Dynamic .
The function overloading is a Static Polymorphism.


using System;
namespace FunctionOverloading
      class PrintData
             public void show(int a)
                    Console.WriteLine("Age of Raju is {0}", a);
             public void show(double amount)
                    Console.WriteLine("Amount he has taken is {0}",amount);
             public void show(string s)
                     Console.WriteLine("Name is {0}", s);
      class Program
         static void Main(string[] args)
           PrintData p = new PrintData();

Age of Raju is 20
Amount he has taken is 500.45
Name is Raju


  • In the above program, We wrote the function public void show for three times to print three different values of different data,double and string respectively.

  • But the difference is in each function we provided different data type of parameters to the function.

  • Next we created object of PrintData class in the main method.
  • in the main method , we called the all the three methods using object of PrintData class.

  • So it printed all the parameters passed to method on the console as seen in the output

  • Example 2

    using System;
    namespace Overloading_2
          class Calculate
             public void calculation(int a ,int b)
               Console.WriteLine("Addition of two numbers is {0} ",a+b);
             public void calculation(int a,int b,int c)
               Console.WriteLine("Addition of three numbers is {0} ", a + b + c);
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
           Calculate c = new Calculate();
           c.calculation(3, 3);
           c.calculation(2, 4, 3);


    Addition of two numbers is 6
    Addition of three numbers is 9

  • In the above program , we created class named calculate
  • We defined and implemented two functions named CALCULATION with different number of parameter passed.
  • i.e two parameters for first function and three parameters for second function.
  • Despite having the same name , the program was executed successfully because we passed different number of parameters to both the functions implementing method overloading.

  • This is how method overloading is implemented.
    Function/Method Overloading in C# Function/Method Overloading in C# Reviewed by LanguageExpert on April 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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